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Protection Spells





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Protection Spells(圖1)-速報App

The Protection Spells are of different types and these spells protect people from the influence of negative forces. One may get positive energy as well as negative energy and the negative energy may make the life more miserable, strenuous and stressful. In such situations, one will require adequate protection from the negative energy and for that these protection spells can be used.

When a person makes use of different types of spells or energies, he is likely to come across with energies with which he is not comfortable. He may require an additional protection from these unfriendly energies and a powerful protection spell will be of great use to him in that situation.

The protection spells ensure protection from evil spirits as well as negative emotions. There are also protection spells which the users carry with them to ensure protection during their various activities of the day-to-day life. However, when one is in real danger, he or she should not rely on protection spells alone. One must take all usual remedies as well as precautions before going for the protection spell and by way of using the protection spells one will be able to enhance his protection.

There are spells that are used to ensure protection from someone in particular and these spells will prevent those people from acting against the user of the spell. Those who have no specific threats can go for the general protection spells to ensure their protection at all times. When one feels that there are persons or spirits with bad intentions around him he can go for any one of the various protection spells. These protection spells can be used or performed in the privacy of one’s home.

Protection Spells(圖2)-速報App

Most of the powerful protection spells are truly general in nature so that they can be used by anyone including those who are not followers of any particular faith or ideology. There are protection spells that ensure protection of not only the person who uses the spell but also his loved ones and also his home from people or spirits that threaten to harm him, his home and his family.

Some of the Protection Spells are 100% general in nature so that they are unaffected by the metaphysical or religious barriers. Most of the people want to lead a happy, healthy and comfortable life and to ensure a happy and bright future. Everyone wants to keep away the negative spirits that cause havocs in their lives. One of the effective methods to ensure protection from the negative spirits is to use the Protection Spell as a shield against the negative spirits.

Since there are numerous types of dangers in the world, there are numerous types of protection spells also. Protection from the negative forces is very essential for survival as well as growth and hence the protection spells have great importance.

Protection Spells ensure safety of a person and will also enable a person to keep his surroundings clean so that he will not be affected by any form of negative energy. These spells will also help a person to cleanse and purify by himself. The basic purpose of Protection Spells is to ward off negativity as well as bad spirits that may affect one’s life.

Protection Spells(圖3)-速報App

Here is a Preview of What You'll Find:

• What Is a Spell?

• How To Cast Magic Spells

• 3 Steps To A Successful Spell

Protection Spells(圖4)-速報App

• When Your Spells Don’t Work

• Aura Shield Spell

• Basic Draconic Protection Spell

• Barricade Spell

Protection Spells(圖5)-速報App

• Car Protection Spell

• Brush of Protection Spell

• Armour Of Darkness Spell

• Much, Much More Protection Spells!

Protection Spells(圖6)-速報App

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Protection Spells(圖7)-速報App